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Sisu Product Updates 9/30—Gamification, Calculator, and Push Notifications

If you've looked around on our top menu bar in Sisu lately, you'll have noticed a lot of new features for you to play around with. Let's break down a few o

Zac Muir

Zac Muir

VP of Sales & Marketing
Zac was one of our first hires. Outside of waging war on spreadsheets and time-killing systems, Zac loves to push the boundaries of what's "safe" on a wakeboard, spend time on the golf course or tennis courts, and more than anything, live life with his beautiful wife and 4-pound dog, Twix.

If you've looked around on our top menu bar in Sisu lately, you'll have noticed a lot of new features for you to play around with.

Let's break down a few of these recent updates and how to use them.


Gamification is a core concept of Sisu and we've been excited about this release for a while now.

Maybe a few of you are familiar with the fitness app Strava or with some of the gamification features in fitness devices such as the Fitbit or Apple Watch.

If you know anyone who is crazy about biking, chances are they're probably a Strava user. The app logs their routes, speed, vertical climb, and more for their bike rides and pits them against fellow bikers. There are leaderboards for the fastest times and personal records that users strive to break. The underlying activity is still the same—biking and fitness—but the mindset has changed completely. It's fun and competitive.

Sisu applies the same concept to selling real estate. You can use gamification to create an environment where agents are excited to track and get their name on the leaderboard.

We explained all of this in one of our weekly 10-minute tips video, which you can check out below!

Push Notifications

Administrators can now push notifications to their team's phones using our team messaging feature. This is accessed from the "Admin" drop down menu (see the screenshot).

This is a key feature for motivating your team to track and stay accountable. Remind them of team objectives or congratulate them for achievements by pushing notifications directly to their phone.

This is part of a bigger feature we are working on that will allow you to send automated messages based on deadlines or pre-determined activities.

For example, wouldn't it be cool if a notification went out to your team every single time a deal closed, congratulating the agent for their accomplishment? Celebration is a core concept of accountability, and we're working on making these types of features available to you via team messaging.

Goal Calculator

Everything in Sisu revolves around your goals, so you'll want to make sure you're setting good goals. We have now integrated a goal calculatorintoSisu so that you can check to make sure you have the right goals.

Go to the "Account" drop-down menu and select goal calculator. It will take you through a process that asks you everything from your desired salary to your conversion ratios, and then spits out the optimal goals that you should be shooting for.

Our Commitment to Innovation

As the first real, full-fledged accountability solution in the industry, we're dedicated to innovation. We are continually working on integrating with the apps that you care the most about and making the accountability experience as seamless as possible. We look forward to sharing more updates with you and to seeing your success!

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