What you get in the Playbook.

Client Portal Roadmaps

Listing/Buyer Packet Inserts for Agents

Agent-facing Hype Video

Client Portal Video Templates

Plug & Play Client Portal Templates

We’ve taken what’s working for top Sisu clients and turned them into templates that we will easily copy into your account.

These templates work regardless of location or team size. They are the fundamentals of the real estate transaction. They’ll give your client a clear expectation of exactly what’s going to happen when they work with you.

Brandable Pre-Listing/Buyer Consultation Packet Inserts

It’s not enough to just do a lot for your clients.

You have to show what you’re going to do. Every step of the way. Nothing sets this expectation better than showing what the client experience will look like in the buyer or listing consultation.

Included in The Playbook is a Canva template that you can customize with your branding and add as part of your pre-listing/buyer packet. This will give your agents an invaluable resource to help them land more listings and buyers.

Agent-Facing Hype Video

With just a little setup on your part, your agents will be able to use the client portal to land more business. This will take no effort on their part, but we wanted to take one more thing off your plate—we’ll send you an agent-facing hype video, shot by one of our seasoned account managers, that you can add to your training materials. This will get your agents trained up and prepared to utilize the client portal as their competitive advantage.

Brandable Client-Facing Marketing Video Template

We have a lot of teams who have had tremendous success by advertising their elevated experience. It helps set them apart in their market.

We have a lot of teams who have had tremendous sucAs part of The Playbook, we will provide you a Canva video template that can be branded with your logos, and you can share this with clients at any point in the funnel. We see teams posting it on social for awareness/lead gen, as well as making it a staple of their new client intake process.cess by advertising their elevated experience. It helps set them apart in their market.

Fill out the form and we'll start copying it over

If you're a Sisu client, you'll see the templates copied into your account and the other materials delivered via email. If you are not on Sisu yet, we'll still send everything over, and you can have a free trial account to test out the Sisu elements.